【美国华视华盛顿特区2020年6月8日讯】在疫情不断升级,居家隔离持续的当下,美国华视为华府地区各个热爱舞蹈的观众带来一桩好消息。通过与梁红舞蹈学校合作,我们将于美国东部时间2020年6月27日晚8:00 – 9:30在ZOOM视频中为华人同胞与美国当地观众开设一堂国内知名艺术家玉米提先生的舞蹈在线大师班。此次活动由华府地区舞蹈表演艺术家齐欣然小姐发起,梁红舞蹈学校举办,美国华视负责宣传,旨在为大华府地区舞蹈艺术爱好者带来一场与舞蹈大师面对面的线上福利活动。




邮寄地址:1549 Wellingham Ct. Vienna VA 22182(请注明上课的课程与课名)

AACNTV seeks to promote the interests of the Asian-American community in the National Capital Region. An important component of AACNTV reporting is promoting cultural and educational events. At a time when international relations between countries are often strained, it is more important than ever to feature events which serve to bridge cultures and promote a One-World concept. Rose Xinran Qi has been working toward that objective for 15 years. As part of a national dance troupe in China, Rose presented Classical Chinese dance to many other countries including the United States, England, Singapore and Australia.

In her thesis work for the University of Maryland Master of Fine Arts program, Rose choreographs and directs dance work that merges Classical Chinese dance movement with western contemporary and modern dance styles. Rose is dedicated to the concept of bringing people together through the arts. To that end, she has reached out to one of her former dance colleagues – the renowned Chinese dance artist Umut Ubul, one of the most famous dancers and singers from mainland China – to produce a video dance training event instructed by Umut in conjunction with the Hong Dance Studio. Rose and Umut performed together in the Road to Revival, the 60th Anniversary of the Founding of the People’s Republic of China in 2009.

Umut is currently an Associate Professor of Dance at Minzu University of China, was formerly in a national dance troupe in China, and is from the Uygur Province. Umut will present a master dance class for an American audience on Zoom (06/27/2020, 8:00-9:30 PM EST). This training will be valuable for dancers as well as dance choreographers and dance instructors who may wish to expand their methods for presenting dance pedagogy and dance communications. It will also be valuable for those who believe that it is important to introduce Chinese dances to expand the range of western dance movement and enhance the aesthetic experience for western audiences.

Rose wishes to thank the Hong Dance Studio for their assistance in introducing more great artists to the United States and for providing a forum for a cross-cultural exchange between Chinese and Western dancers and their supporting organizations.
Scan the QR code for more details. $50 dollars for per person(you can get 10% discount if you register before 16th June), you can also pay extra amount $10-$100 to support our work, thanks!

How to pay:
Zelle:571-278-2097 (Mrs. Liang)
Paypal:lianghong10@yahoo.com (Tip: please choose you are the friend or family member, or you will have to pay for the extra service charge)
Check payable to:hongdanceschool
Mailing address:1549 Wellingham Ct. Vienna VA 22182(Please note the name of the class)
